Sunday, November 7, 2010


Electrical  CAD  software  packages  allow  an electrical   engineer   to   integrate   electrical systems and to design complex interconnect wiring   and   harnesses   in   high-technology products  such  as  cars,  planes,  and  trains. Advanced  packages  will  not  only  manage electrical   schematics   but   also   integrate functionalities  such  as  cabinet  and  panel layouts and terminal management.

               Today, improvements in technology have forced   manufacturers   to   install   more electrical components in the same available pace to satisfy customer demands. Electrical CAD   software   allows   users   to   generate different blueprints of electrical systems and elect the most appropriate design.

Electrical   CAD   software   is   often   used   in conjunction with mechanical CAD software to integrate electrical systems with mechanical systems in the available space. The software is also used to test electrical design blue prints with the help of advanced simulation tools. This software allows electrical and mechanical engineers to work concurrently on a design and share design changes.

It allows electrical system architects to assess different variations of the electrical layout and combine it with designs provided by mechanical system architects.  The software has an electrical design   and   optimization   toolset   with   an integrated   sketching   environment   that provides   seamless   integration   between different   subsystems.   The   software   is developed according to intelligent design rules that support the design automation and configuration of components as well as the automatic generation of correctly configured wiring schematics and other information.

The  software  helps  in  controlling  different aspects of wiring design such as interactive design   process,   physical   location   of components,  and  physical  routing  of  wire bundles.  It  helps  in  calculating  the  exact specifications of wire length and wire size for harness manufacturing and in ensuring that the  wires are  correctly  sized  in  accordance with  the  power  they  must  transmit.  This is necessary as using small-sized wires will result in   overheating   and   too   large   wires   will
increase wiring costs. The  software  also  allows  electrical  system designers to make design presentations on a computer  or  other  projection  systems  forgetting   design   approval   and   for   making necessary changes, if required.


Windows-based   CAD   program,   specially designed for electrical  CAD  documentation. Remains unparalleled in the world of  electrical CAD. For  many  years,  it  has  stood  behind  the electronics and automations industry's most utilized   CAD   solution   for   documentation.
Recently,  the  company's  name  DpS  CAD-center   ApS   has   been   changed   to PC|SCHEMATIC   A/S   and  PC   SchematicELautomation   has   been   changed   to Automation. Automation   is   a   CAD   solution   for documentation  of  automation,  installation, pneumatics,  and  hydraulics.  The  program enables users to use the existing resources as effectively as possible, allowing extra energy for other important tasks. It  is  becoming  increasingly  difficult  to  find time nowadays. Thus, it is crucial to choose a solution that exploits your current resources as effectively as possible.

Electrical   schematic   pages   –   Created extremely fast Create   electrical   schematic   pages extremely  fast  with  our  unique  Module and Model Based drag 'n draw functions. No   other   CAD   system   matches   this feature!
C o m p o n e n t   d a t a   –   A t t a c h e d  automatically                            
Just place the electrical symbols, and the c o m p o n e n t   d a t a   a r e   a t t a c h e d automatically! This is possible because of the unique intelligent connection between database and symbols.   
Existing designs – Reused intelligently         
When you copy areas and pages, symbols, terminal connection points, wire numbers, and/or   reference   designations renamed automatically. This also applies for copying projects!   

Automatic Project Generation

Automatic project generation, Automatic graphical plan generation (graphical cable, terminal   and   connection   plans),   and Automatic  documentation  of  symbols  in
projects/libraries are possible.
Flexible   and   Advanced   –   Follows electrical standards
PC|SCHEMATIC Automation is extremely flexible  in  everyday  work  routines,  has loads of advanced electrical CAD features, and   supports                electrical   standards intelligently.